Governance of decentralized projects is difficult because, by definition, such projects lack a centralized authority to make decisions. In the case of Dash, this decision is made by the network, that is, by the owner of the masternode. The DGBB system allows each master node to cast one vote (yes/no/abstain) on each proposal, and after the proposal is passed, it may (or may not) be implemented by the developers of Dash. The master node system is also called Proof of Service (PoSe), because the essence of the master node is to provide key services for the network. In fact, the entire network is overseen by masternodes, who have the power to reject ineligible blocks created by absenteeism.
Dash aims to be the most user-friendly scalable payment system in the world. It tries to solve this problem with a cryptocurrency that is portable, cheap, divisible and quickly transactable.
What are the characteristics of Dash
Two-layer network (PoW and PoSe) Block time is 2.6 minutes, block size is 2MB, and about 56 transactions per second are processed. Transaction anonymity with PrivateSend Instant transaction with InstantSend.